Women: Kinder, Kurche, Kutcher (Children, Church, Kitchen). Maternal role highlited as one of nurturing the family. Men were to work and protect the family.
Youth: Hitler Youth, League of German Girls, other youth clubs designed to indoctrinate and control them from a young age to continue the nazi legacy. In school, new subjects like race studies introduced and other subjects were adapted to Nazi view e.g. Biology and PE concerned race and more emphasis was put on PE
German Jews: Laws made against them to discriminate e.g. The Nuremburg Laws (concerning citizenship and marriage)
Society in general: Censorship of the media, fear due to gestapo (secret police)
You can do some more research into these topics as this is just a brief overview
The European forces race each other to assert arrive in Southeast Asia since they craved the land for its key area along the ocean courses to China and their wellsprings of tropical agribusiness, minerals, and oil.
The following are the three thought processes behind the European race for the provinces:
1. economic
2. socially/religious
3. politically/militarily
Among the causes of the conflicts were the affranchis' frustrations with a racist society, turmoil created in the colony by the French Revolution, nationalistic rhetoric expressed during Vodou ceremonies, the continuing brutality of slave owners, and wars between European powers.
Yes. Ghana is the world's second-largest producer