Together We Can Create Digital Systems That Provide Scale, Speed & Enable GrowthCohesive Digital Strategy · Secure IT Infrastructure · Secure Digital Foundation · New Digital EconomyTypes: Digital Business, Digital Operations, Digital Systems, Digital Technology<span>Digital Systems & TechDigital OperationsDigital Business<span>Latest Thinking</span></span>
Transitive dependency
In this case, we have three fields, where field 2 depends on field 1, and field three depends on field 2.
For example:
Date of birth --> age --> vote
Partial dependency
It is a partial functional dependency if the removal of any attribute Y from X, and the dependency always is valid
For example:
Course and student these tables have a partial dependency, but if we have the field registration date, this date will depend on the course and student completely, we must create another table with the field registration date to remove this complete dependency.
If we remove or update the table registration date, neither course nor student must not change.
The answer to the following question is the option "B".
In computer science, the term Reliability is an attribute for any computer-related element like software or hardware. It consistently acts according to its terms. It has a lengthy process for considering one of three similar properties that must be analyzed when using a computer component. So the answer to this question is option B which is "0.684".
<span>Encapsulation is defined as the process of adding a header in front of data supplied by a higher layer (and possibly adding a trailer as well).</span>