A) it is an absolute monarchy, with a king having all power
The description was not given. To help you answer this question, we will explain what insider threats and their indicators are. Insider threat refers to someone who has classified information about the United States government, and who uses such knowledge to harm the government. Indicators of threats could be
- Information Transmittal and
- Other suspicious behaviors
As shown in the foregoing, recruitment which involves unreported activities and contact with suspicious elements is an indicator of an insider threat.
Information collection from unauthorized sources is a sign of a threat.
Information transmittal involves sending information to and through unauthorized sources. This is also an indication of an insider threat.
With this understanding, check the description and determine if there are any of the above-mentioned insider threat indicators.
If you do not find any, the answer will be 0.
Learn more here:
C. They were cities in Japan where the US dropped atomic bombs
City in Japan, the first to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945. The bombing hastened the end of World War II.
Japanese city devastated during World War II when the United States dropped the second atomic bomb on Aug 8th, 1945.
they were both Greek city-states that had many rulers in governers