Have a great day, and I hope this is right!
Micronutrients helps in preventing the skin from different types of allergens or pollen which may result in skin rashes or hives. It protects skin againts various pathogens or fungi. It acts as anti oxidants on skin and thus prevents premature ageing. It also protects from harmful UV radiateion which damages DNA.
True, maria are dark, smooth, <em>flat </em>surfaces on the moon.
hope this helps:)
Due to extreme (too much) cell division, a mutation of cells will occur and that is the cancer within humans.
The wood in a matchstick is made of cellulose, a polymer of glucose molecules. When you light the matchstick, heat and light are given off, indicating that an exothermic reaction is occurring.
There are two types of reactions:
1. Exothermic reactions: In these reactions, the reactants combine to form product and heat is liberated. Example, burning of fuel.
2.Endothermic reactions: In these reactions, the reactants combine to form product and heat gets absorbed from the surroundings. Example, photosynthesis in plants where the energy of the Sun gets absorbed.