Fueron identificados por un estudio de un grupo de investigadores en Israel y su análisis indica que el Homosapiens ya vivía fuera de África hace 185.000 años, unos 80.000 años antes de lo que se pensaba.
The answer fo this i think it’s OX
According to me no any benifits of pizza it is fast food producing many type diseases in stomach i think it is just for test
Innate activities are activities that are intrinsic, which means activities that are part of our genetic and physiological being. Examples: desire to feel good, to feel warm, to have no pain,...
For dogs the innate activities are to run, to touch , to play, to go outdoors,...
According to these explanation the following activities seems to be innate for dogs:
B. Submitting to its owner - the dog has connection and life with his owner
We can do brain scans and things that help us diagnose sickness