★ What fraction of 20 is 18?
In questions like these, when you see the word "of", it is usually used for the denominator. In your question, it says "of 20". That means the denominator will be 20.
Here is your current fraction:

After that phrase, it says "is 18". The word "of" is used for the numerator. That means the numerator is 18.
Here is your fraction:

You have your complete fraction, but it can be simplified. Both numbers are even(numbers that end with 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0) and every even number is divisible by 2. You can just divide both numbers by 2.

You have your simplified fraction, which is
, and it cannot be simplified any further.
Your answer is
which becomes
when simplified.
<em>If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments! :)</em>