podemos identificar el clima ademas Parte de la biología que estudia las relaciones de los seres vivos entre sí y con el medio en el que viven.
is is A i might be wring tho im not the best :/
The Precambrian time refers to the time 4.5 billion to 542 millions year ago. This period is characterized by having reduced atmosphere and included reduced compounds. Scientists believed that atmosphere at that time was devoid of free oxygen and CO2 was present in excess. Before the complex life evolved on the Earth, the Precambrian Earth's ocean contained dissolved carbon dioxide.
The main function of the RB protein is to inhibit the transition from the G1 to S phase. Its activity depends on its phosphorylation state: if RB is not phosphorylated (active state), it is bound to the transcription factor E2F, preventing its translocation to the nucleus and the activation of genes necessary for DNA synthesis; and if it is phosphorylated, by cyclin-CDK complexes, E2F is released and cell proliferation occurs.
Retinoblastoma (Rb) was the first tumor suppressor described and, as we know today, mutations in its structure determine a large number of cancers. Structurally, we speak of a large and multifunctional protein; which is organized in different domains. The activity of this protein is regulated, mainly, by phosphorylation at multiple sites described over the years and is involved in control mechanisms of the cell cycle, apoptosis and senescence.
because you don't get soil like you get the Sun rays everyday. It takes millions of years for formation of soil and you can't get it within the lifespan of one human. Hence it is considered as Non-Renewable resource.