<span>Loops is the different name for repeat block used by Computer scientists A while statement repeats a section of code over and over again as long as some condition is true is called a while loop</span>
That statement is true
We have both short-term and long-term memory.
Short-term Memory allows one to apply knowledge to a specific task , while Long-term memory allows one to store and recall information.
Short term memory only capable in holding small amount of information. When short term memory is used with association with working memory, It become the force that help us in our reasoning /decision making process and make us able to apply knowledge in specific task that we experienced beforehand.
Long-term memory on the other hand, is capable in holding large amount of information. The information that is stored in the long-term memory tend to be harder to forget and can only be stored if we keep encountering that data over and over again. It stored all important information that needed by short-term/working memory to do its function.
The answer should be Congress!!
In a continuous reinforcement schedule the desired behavior is reinforced each and every time it occurs. This continuous schedule is used during the first stages of learning in order to create a strong association between the behavior and the response.