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Democracy is a social organization in which political control is exercised by the people. It is a system of government that results from the free choice of rulers, which is expressed by the union and will of the majority of the governed, confirmed by votes.
The concept of democracy emerged in Ancient Greece in 510 BCE, when Cliestenes, a progressive aristocrat, led a rebellion against the last tyrant, overthrowing him and initiating reforms that implanted democracy in Athens.
This concept contributed much to the construction of the modern world we know.
During the stock crash, most people were trying to trade the stocks, mostly to sell overpriced stock that had lost a great amount of value in only a few days.
Unfortunately for most of them, these stocks still lost a great amount of value, which meant that they lost a lot of money. Billions of dollars of market value were wiped out in a single day, leading to thousands of people to financial ruin, and starting a period of economic recession known as the Great Depression.
A, both advised Washington
Hamilton was a Federalist, Jefferson was in France during the Revolution, and Hamilton was an immigrant so he couldn't run for president, in fact he voted for Jefferson