1. =CONCATENATE(" John"," ","Smith")
2. =(" John"&" "&"Smith")
Two separate strings; "John" and "Smith"
2 separate formulas to concatenate both strings to form " John Smith"
There are several ways to concatenate strings in Microsoft Office Excel; one of the methods is using the concatenate function while the another method is using the traditional & operator.
Using the concatenate function, the formula is as follows
=CONCATENATE(" John"," ","Smith")
This function will combine the " John", " " and "Smith" to give a new string " John Smith" (without the quotes).
Using the traditional & operator may be a little bit difficult (and not frequently used) but the formula is as follows;
=(" John"&" "&"Smith")
The result will be the same as (1) above
materials are the only physical thing
Locating Useful Resources
When you chose a paper topic and determined your research questions, you conducted preliminary research to stimulate your thinking. Your research proposal included some general ideas for how to go about your research—for instance, interviewing an expert in the field or analyzing the content of popular magazines. You may even have identified a few potential sources. Now it is time to conduct a more focused, systematic search for informative primary and secondary sources.
This code will no get executed properly.It will give keyerror Brianna.
In this dictionary we defined in the code the there is no key Brianna hence there is no corresponding value to Brianna.So assigning ages['Brianna] to value will obviously give error since there exits no key with this name.So the code will give error.