It was Churchill who coined the term Iron Curtain in a 1946 speech he delivered in Missouri. It refers to the fact that Eastern Europe was more or less controlled by the Soviet Union. ... The Berlin Wall, which stood between 1961-1989, has been understood as the physical manifestation of the Iron Curtain
That was Isaac Newton. He was knighted, and
became "Sir" Isaac, but we still called him "Ike".
They were pretty mad that they got kicked off of their land, we took their land because there was gold there and we made them walk on the trail of tears
I think it would be trains and railroads. otherwise you walk or use a horse
Women replaced men as workers in factories.
Women during the war began to work in factories as well as in war industries to support the troops and as the nation to fight in Europe. Women life changed as during the wartime job for women increased in heavy industry and production plants that had referred to men. As women began to work in industries they also demanded equal pay as men. In the end, the government issued The Equal Pay Act in 1963, allowing equal pay to both men and women at the same workplace and similar work.