Which option presents a complete and effective evaluation of Dan DeLuca's argument in his article "Dylan's Nobel Prize Settles D
ebate: Rock Lyrics Are Poetry"? According to DeLuca, Dylan deserved the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was the first American since 1993 to win it and was one of President Obama's favorite poets. Since he was at the height of his popularity in the 1960s, this award shows that his influence has stood the test of time. DeLuca believes that rock lyrics must be recognized as poetry because legendary singer-songwriter Bob Dylan has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In doing so, the Nobel committee has recognized the value of Dylan's words, which have spoken for and inspired generations since the 1960s. According to Dan Deluca, Bob Dylan was an unlikely choice for the Nobel Prize for Literature. Many experts refuse to believe that song lyrics are poetry, and the odds against Dylan winning the award were high. DeLuca also points out that the award has little monetary value in comparison with Dylan's wealth. Dan DeLuca is a fan of Bob Dylan's lyrics. He seems to know them by heart and quotes from many songs in his article. He also recognizes Dylan's influence on other artists, such as the novelist Salman Rushdie, the singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen, and many rap artists, who imitate Dylan's use of internal rhyme.
The best answer to the question: Which option presents a complete and effective evaluation of Dan DeLuca´s argument in his article "Dylan´s Nobel Prize Settles Debate: Rock Lyrics are Poetry"?, would be, option B: DeLuca believes that rock lyrics must be recognized as poetry because legendary singer-songwriter Bob Dylan has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In doing so, the Nobel committee has recognized the value of Dylan´s words, which have spoken for and inspired generations since the 1960´s.
"Dylan´s Nobel Prize Settles Debate: Rock Lyrics are Poetry" is an article by journalist Dan DeLuca and it was published by the Philadelphia Inquirer in 2016. The reason for option B being the answer actually almost comes from the title of the article itself and from the content of the article. Although there are portions of the article that are mentioned in some of the other options, the actual message that DeLuca is sending through his article is the amazement that finally rock lyrics have been recognized as more than just another piece of pop culture, and accepted as real poetry and real literature, as one of its most iconinc figures, Bob Dylan, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. This is why the answer is B.
Explanation: luke ( thats the theif name i think) stole the bolt because his dad didn't care about him and posidin never helped his son and left percys mom on her own.
conspiracy theories can cause people to confer and discuss about the theory while conspiracy theory's are also able to divide people due to the theory itself as it can pertain to certain people causing them to think differently of others or each other which then causes them to separate.