Although not technically part of their platform, Democrats are stereotyped as liberals and Republicans as conservatives. Common Liberal beliefs:<span>Womens rights (pro-choice)Environmental issues like global warming are important<span>Same sex marriage </span>Taxes to fix the economy</span>Common Conservative beliefs:<span>Pro-life (no abortion)Cut taxes to fix the economy<span>No special rights to interest groups Republicans: <span>less federal government involvement. Republicans are strong supporters of the tenth amendment which gives rights to the states as opposed to Congresscapitalism- free economic market not run or regulated by the governmentfreedom is the most important aspect of America<span>republicans want to uphold America as a republic, hence the name </span></span> Democrats: <span>more federal government involvement. Democrats do not generally like the tenth amendment and want the federal government to have more powersocialism- not a free economic market. Democrats, like in other things, want the government to regulate the marketequality is usually the most important thing to Democrats<span>Democrats want to change America into a democracy, hence the name </span></span></span></span>