1) Laws must be made more stringent so that traffickers do not get away easily. (2) Increased participation from social groups should be solicited with more powers to them for handling cases. (3) Increased vigil by the law enforcement agencies.
The answer is d. it rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets.
The answer is internal locus of control.
Internal locus of control meaning: Locus of control is the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces, have control over the outcome of events in their lives.
Answer:d. placebo effects
What Is the Placebo Effect?
- The placebo effect is a phenomenon in which a person may start to feel like an inactive substance has actual healed them or has given them some benefits.
A placebo is only an inactive ,non medical substance which has no medical effect on a person and ig could be sterile water , saline solution or a sugar pill.
People may experience real changes through a fake treatment because of their expectations of they expect it to work they would start to actual feel it work.
It occurs mostly when a person doesn't know that what they are receiving isn't real medicine
A double-blind study refers to when both experimenters and participants doesn't know which is drug and which isn't