Arthropods has the bilateral symmetry !
so answer is B !
the population is polymorphic.
Polymorphism is the discontinuous genetic variation that leads to the production of varying unique kinds or forms of individuals within the population of an individual species.
Take for instance, allelic polymorphism is seen in the presence of multiple alleles that is produced within the members of an individual species as in peppered moths, human blood groups, and two-spotted ladybugs.
We have different causes of polymorphism: polymorphism can be sustained by an equity among variation developed by new mutations and natural selection. Genetic variation might be due to frequency-dependent selection.
The populations become adapted to different environments and eventually become so different that they cannot interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Speciation is the evolution of one species into two different kinds, and when they become isolated, that is the final step, since they cannot interbreed any longer.
Long term: I could either help a species have more genetic variation or wipe out an entire species. Short term: it could decrease food resources for other species.