It's important to rid your garden of weeds because they rob your soil and your plants of important nutrients and water.
For Example: Certain weeds such as nut grass actually reduce crop yield on farms because their roots release chemicals that are harmful to surrounding plants.
A bioindicator is a living organism that gives us an idea of the health of an ecosystem. Some organisms are very sensitive to pollution in their environment, so if pollutants are present, the organism may change its morphologyphysiology or behaviour, or it could even die. Hope that helped!
The correct answer is D.
The domain is the broadest category in the classification of living organisms. All the living organisms are placed in three domains, which are archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes. The prokaryotes are separated into two groups, that is archaea and bacterial based on the differences in their 16S rRNA genes. Amoeba is classified as an eukaryotes because, its cell is more developed than that of bacteria.
Inherited disorders can arise when chromosomes behave abnormally during meiosis. Chromosome disorders can be divided into two categories: abnormalities in chromosome number and chromosome structural rearrangements. Because even small segments of chromosomes can span many genes, chromosomal disorders are characteristically dramatic and often fatal.
35 chromosomes
hope its help