Professor charisma's viewpoint best illustrates the "evolutionary" perspective, while professor smith best illustrates the "social-cultural" perspective.
To utilize an evolutionary perspective is to think about all practices, for example, fears, biases, and connections etc. as the consequence of developmental procedures. This point of view takes the position that practices appeared because of adjustments to living conditions. While social-cultural perspective endorse the norms and values approved and appreciated by the society.
Explanation: Sociological question can be said to be a sentence or phrase that ask or examine the social meaning or pattern of a phenomenon.
In order to form a good sociological question, a lot has to be put into consideration. one important factor to consider is to look at patterns among groups when asking sociological questions as opposed to looking at individuals.
As can be seen with stereotypes that is an over exaggerated conception of a person or group. Sociological questions must do away with stereotypes and should be asked with common sense in which plain understanding is required to answer such questions. An example can be asking a question "are all Nigerians scammers". such question is definitetly asked without commonsense and is stereotypical.
- thomas edison electric lightbulb - allows factory workers to work after dark
- james watts steam engine - provided affordable power for factories,
trains, and ships
- eli whitney cotton gin - provided an efficient way to process cotton
to use in the growing textile industry
- henry bessermers bessermer process - provided an economical way to convert iron into steel to produce machinery for trains and factories
- louis pasteurs pasteurization process - provided a way to keep food products safer longer and reduce health risks
D is then answer home this helped . .