The correct answer is C.
Techniques for establishing new behaviors are shaping (successive approximations), chaining, and fading. Shaping is the establishment of a final behavior (one that the person does not possess or that very rarely emits) through the differential reinforcement of behaviors that are increasingly similar or close to it. Generally, shaping refers to differential reinforcement of changes gradual changes in the topography of a behavior, but it can also refer to differential reinforcement of gradual changes in other characteristics of the behavior such as frequency, duration, latency or magnitude, or differential reinforcement of gradual changes in the product of the behavior (for example , number of exercises solved).
There Are Many
One main difference is the job description. A Clinical psychologists work to reduce psychological distress in people with mental or physical health problems. Clinical psychologists with substantial and appropriate experience may be called upon to act as expert witnesses and write legal reports or documents. These are who deal with the dirty work and take care of the known factors. A counseling psychologist is a more humanistic approach and personally discusses with the patient issues that are going on and how to potentially solve them. The are more on call and a crutch for people who need help.
C. Continuance
Continuance commitment also referred to as fear of loss is a situation where an employee remains with an organization because of the fear of what to lose ranging from, benefits, friends, etc, that outweighs the benefits of joining a new or different organization.
Javier exhibited continuance commitment by allowing His fear of losing His stock options to prevent him from moving to a new job.