I looked it up-Second Law: The amount of usable energy in the universe is steadily decreasing, while the level of disorganization is steadily increasing. ... in all natural processes some potential energy (organized energy) is always converted to kinetic energy (disorganized energy, usually in the form of heat). So your answer should be usable energy
Carbohydrates, proteins and lipids are all present inside the cell. Carbohydrates are usually attached to the cell proteins and lipids in order to enhance their functionality. These attached carbohydrates are typically used to identify cells.
<span>A seatbelt should be fastened so as to run diagonally across the chest and to fit low and tight across the waist. This ensures that, during the rapid deceleration experienced during a crash, the seatbelt will perform the intended function, that is, to keep the passenger in place within the vehicle.</span>
This voice box occurs in all amphibians but is anatomically most complex in frogs. The larynx exits into the trachea; the latter bifurcates into the bronchi and then into the lungs. The glottis then opens, and elastic recoil of the lungs forces the pulmonary air out and over the new air in the buccopharyngeal pocket.
The number of primary consumers will increase
If all the secondary consumers disappear, the primary consumers will continue to reproduce causing the population to increase