Answer: Diversity, referring to the state of having many different organisms cohabitate within an area is a desirable outcome for many ecosystems. The presence of a wide spectrum of different organisms allows for more life to be able to thrive in an ecosystem. For example, an ecosystem with a wide array of shrubs, grasslands and forested areas is able to accommodate more life forms than an ecosystem of just forest. This increased capacity to support life directly improves the capacity of the biosphere to support life as well, diversity leading to growth.
Most organisms cannot obtain nitrogen from the atmosphere. Nitrogen fixing bacteria take Nitrogen out of the atmosphere and make it available for consumption by the other organisms, This is important because Nitrogen is an essential building block of life.
3% of time or, 40 minutes.
I hope this helped you answer your question! I've definitely learned a lot about the topic of meiosis and mitosis today from my research! Peace out!
- hershy103
Geo wild card spot on my a open relationship between the two of you are not up for