11. Proteins - B. Used to build, maintain and repair cells; help produce
6. Water
A. Inorganic molecules found in all body tissues
8. Carbohydrates
C. Major source of energy needed for body functions;
9. Vitamins
D. Organic molecules important for growth and repair;
carry certain vitamins to the cells
10. Minerals
E. Important for regulating body functions: used to build
and repair body tissues
The chances are low of survival but are possible. It is effective if done properly and is in the right situation, such as: being in a hospital, having access to medications ad actual oxygen.
If there is no sign of breathing or pulse, begin CPR starting with compressions. If the patient definitely has a pulse but is not breathing adequately, provide ventilation without compressions. This is also called "rescue breathing." Adults: give 1 breath every 5 to 6 seconds. Reassess the pulse every 2 minutes.
The correct measure to take regarding this situation would be to write a letter of commendation to his file. It is necessary to have an evidence of the situation as a first step, later the next stages of the process should be taken into account by the appropriate staff in order to respect all the time the culture of safety.
D. Wally ensures that unauthorized people do not enter the healthcare facility.