<em>Proud and confident
Because of the united Greek achievement, a significant amount of the Persian armada was destroyed, and every Persian army was ousted from Europe, denoting a finish of Persia's development westbound into the mainland. The urban areas of Ionia were likewise freed from Persian control.
The fierce activities of Spartan pioneer Pausanias at the attack of Byzantium, for example, distanced a significant number of the Greek states from Sparta and prompted a move in the military order of the League from Sparta to Athens.
The Soviet Union, meanwhile, occupied Manchuria and only pulled out when Chinese Communist forces were in place to claim that territory. In 1945, the leaders of the Nationalist and Communist parties, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong, met for a series of talks on the formation of a post-war government.
Kansas become a political and natural Battleground for proslavery and antislavery forces. The Kansas Nebraska act set in motion a plan that was supposed to decide the Kansas question through a peaceful Democratic process
Andrew jackson led the united states forces during the battle of new orleans
John Locke did not wright the delclaration of independence he influenced the wrighters but was not one him self.