The Equal Time Rule requires that a broadcaster permitting one political candidate access to the airwaves must afford equal opportunities to all other such candidates seeking the same office.
Who is a broadcaster?</h3>
- Broadcasting is the one-to-many model of distributing audio or video material to a dispersed audience using any electronic mass communication media, but usually one that uses radio waves.
- AM radio was the first kind of broadcasting, and it gained popularity around 1920 when vacuum tube radio transmitters and receivers proliferated.
- Prior to a broadcaster, each form of electrical communication (early radio, telephone, and telegraph) was one-to-one and the message was intended for just one recipient.
- The term "broadcasting" originated from the agricultural practice of scattering seeds widely across a field before planting them.
- Later, broadcaster came to be used to describe how information was widely disseminated via telegraph or printed materials.
To know more about broadcaster the given link
racial inequality is not necessarily the same thing as racism, though the two do often go hand in hand. Perhaps it would be fair to say that racism is defined by a prejudice towards a group of people based on their race or ethnicity, and racial inequality is the result of that prejudice. For example, while it would be hard to point towards the racism of any one individual to account for the disparity between wealth in white families, and wealth in black families, it is nevertheless certainly an example of racial inequality. The fact that average black people have less money than white people is very plainly a result of lack of opportunity.
After all, we know quite plainly that while western culture (particularly the United States) values the “pull yourself up by the bootstraps narrative”, it is ultimately usually generational wealth that wins the day.
The racial inequality, in this case, is a result of the fact that African Americans started as slaves in this country, and then suffered through Jim Crowe laws, and other circumstance that contributed to a difficulty in establishing a foothold in prosperous circumstance.
It is important to note that situations of racial inequality do not necessarily pertain to every member of a given race. For example, not all African Americans struggle economically, and not all Caucasians prosper financially. In fact, there are countless examples of each case where the exact opposite is true. When people refer to racial inequality, they are talking about patterns that all too often manifest themselves in our society.
SUMMARY The two great Bible teachings are the law, which tells us what we should and should not do, and the gospel, which tells us what God has done for us.
The heart helps pump the blood that travels to the rest of the body. The blood carries oxygen that is needed to travel around the body.