A hot spot is an area on Earth that exists over a mantle plume.Hot spot volcanoes occur far from plate boundaries. Because the hot spot is caused by mantle plumes that exist below the tectonic plates, as the plates move, the hot spot does not, and may create a chain of volcanoes on the Earth's surface.
Principalmente, las antiguas civilizaciones que lograron trascender territorialmente y crear grandes imperios fueron aquellas que lograron un mayor desarrollo en términos armamentísticos, de defensa y de transporte.
Así, quienes desarrollaron mayores tecnologías para sustentar sus incursiones bélicas, como las catapultas, los arietes o incluso la pólvora, fueron quienes posteriormente lograron trascender en batalla y conquistar nuevos territorios.
A su vez, en materia de defensa, la construcción de fortalezas a través del desarrollo de la arquitectura y la ingeniería permitió una mejor y más estable defensa de los territorios conquistados, lo que redundó en una mayor seguridad para la población y una mayor capacidad de respuesta militar en caso de ataque.
Por último, la creación y el desarrollo de tecnologías como los barcos o los caminos permitieron una mayor rapidez en el traslado de personas y bienes entre los distintos puntos de estos imperios, facilitando así una mayor y mejor interconexión económica y política entre los distintos rincones de dichos imperios.
Art, literature and trade were developed at that era.
Development occurred in the art, literature and trade during the golden age of the Middle Kingdom because there was political stability in the kingdom and economic situation was also very good at that time. the golden age of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt was started from 2055 B.C.E to 1650 B.C.E. Due to stability in politics and economy, the development occurs in the field of art and many beautiful architecture were built at that time which is also present today.
Collision and uplift movement
Corresponding to the collision between two lithospheric plates, the layers of elastic rocks give rise to mountain ranges, at various times volcanic, with this formation characteristic we have the Andes and Himalayas.
The consequence for holding the door was the <u>presentation </u>of a stimulus, and the behavior of holding open the door subsequently decreased in frequency; therefore, this is an example of positive <u>punishment</u>.
Stephanie made a fuss when Alex opened the door for her, this is a reaction to behavior he had. The effect of that response acted as a positive pushishment to Alex, since the action of opening the door decreased.
Stephanie's response weakened Alex behavior.