The main difference between macronutrients and micronutrients is that human body requires macronutrients in larger quantities whereas micronutrients are needed in smaller quantities. The major macronutrients are carbohydrate, protein and fat which contribute to the bulk of our food.
Meanwhile, micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals are essential for maintaining a good health.
Macronutrients are chemical substances required for growth and other human body functions.
Micronutrients are chemical substances required for various functions of the body, growth, and disease prevention. Furthermore, they are essential for overall health of human beings.
The differences between macronutrients and micronutrients :
Macronutrients: “macro” indicates large and macronutrients are nutrients required in large amounts.
Micronutrients: “micro” indicates small and micronutrients are nutrients required in small amounts.
1. Adolescent Nutrition 2. Nutrition Disorders - prevention and control 3. Feeding behavior 4. Adolescent 5. Review literature I. Delisle, Helene
I would tell them this
First I would say food is a very important source for all of us to stay alive and get better stronger and healthier as well.
second I would say that we all need to have been provided both calories good ones like fruits and nuts, then the nutrients come from like meats and stuff like fruits. Good food and bad food, but all together we need both calories and nutrients in our bodies. If not then how would we able to heal our bodies and get better.
It means 50% more in the designed projects
Her friend should tell her that the other judges were wrong and that you should show them that your worth the part