Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lower airways. It happens when the bronchi, located between the lungs, become inflamed due to an infection or some other cause. According to its duration and etiology, a distinction is made between acute bronchitis, short duration, and chronic bronchitis, long duration and frequent relapses.
Cough with mucus, sometimes bloody. If the mucus of bronchitis is yellowish green and is accompanied by fever, it is most likely that there is bacterial infection.
Inflammation of the bronchi (ramifications of the airways between the trachea and the lungs).
Inflammation (edema) of the bronchial walls.
Obstruction of the alveoli.
Beeps or wheezing.
Bubbling (referred to the sound effect that can be seen when the patient is auscultated with a stethoscope).
Respiratory distress
General discomfort.
Fever, usually low.
Respiratory difficulty aggravated by exertion or mild activity.
Even after acute bronchitis has resolved, a dry and bothersome cough may develop that lasts for several weeks.
Tolerance is one aspect of physical dependence. It's basically when your body gets used to a medication and you no longer get the same amount of pain relief from a given dose of the medication. A person needs to continue to increase the dose of the medication in order to get the same effect.
Withdrawal is another component of physical dependence. That's when the medication is stopped abruptly or the dose is lowered too quickly and a person experiences unpleasant symptoms
Drinker no longer has control over his or her drinking. Alcohol addiction is characterized by a craving, or strong emotional need, to use alcohol.
The central nervous system receives information from sense organs and analyzes that information
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord: The brain controls how we think, learn, move, and feel. The spinal cord carries messages back and forth between the brain and the nerves that run throughout the body.
Hope this helps! Have an amazing rest of your day!! Love you guys so much!! Please award me brainliest! (P.S. It's my birthday!!) :) :) :)