The Nile does not run there
Artificial sweeteners help reduce the amount of sugar in the diet with obvious benefits for general health. It can also make a big difference in your dental health by helping you prevent tooth decay.
Answer: Lysosomes synthesize proteins from the recycled amino acids.
This is a cell organelle with a spherical sac shape, bounded by a single membrane.( Unlike chloroplast and mitochondrial which double membranes.) It contain digestive enzymes which is hydrolytic in nature, this splits molecules by addition of water molecules. The digestive enzymes are separated from other cell organelles because of autolysis/autophagic which is automatic discharge of digestive enzymes in a contained cell which destroy the whole cell.
T<u>hey release vesicles containing the enzymes towards the target structure,and the vesicle fused with the membrane of the target cell to discharged the hydrolytic enzymes for digestion</u>
They breakdown old and worn out cells organelles, or the whole cell (for example the breakdown of mammary glands after lactation. Lysosomes are also used to digest bacterial in white blood cells by ENDOCYTOSIS.
Note: RIBOSOMES play a role in protein Synthesis not LYSOSOMES.
Their average size is 0.1-0.5µm in diameter
The study found the fruit-bearing plants had evolved to cater to the visual capabilities of the main seed-dispersing animals in each place.