A step lease covers the landlord's expected increases in expenses by increasing the rent on an annual basis over the life of the agreement.
A significant difference between a trial and an administrative hearing is thtat a hearsay con be introduced as evidence, in an administrative hearing.
Self-concept describes the kind of person or personality an individual thinks he or she has.
People that have a realistic self-concept about themselves basically see themselves as they are, not what they or the society at large wants them to be.
The statement that a person with a poor self-concept is more likely to be hired for a position, because they are easier to “mould” is false and an absolutely incorrect notion.
First of all, no organization is interested in hiring an individual with a poor self-concept because they can't add any value to the organization in the long-run.
Colorado not even kidding
When a company makes sales on account, debit accounts receivable and credit sales. Based on assessment, some or all of the receivables may be uncollectible.
To account for this, debit bad debit expense and credit allowance for doubtful debt. Should the debt become uncollectible (i.e go bad), debit allowance for doubtful debt and credit accounts receivable.
However, in the direct writeoff method, estimates of uncollectible receivables are posted directly into the accounts receivable and not into the allowance account.
The amount in the accounts receivable before write off
= $150,000 - $83,000
= $67,000
Amount written of is $20,000, this will be posted as a debit to bad debt expense and a credit to accounts receivable.