secondary consumer is correct answer
Hypertonic solution means the solution with a lower water potential than the cell cytoplasm, such as salt water.
When the red blood cell is put into it, since the cell has a higher water potential than the solution, water molecules will flow from the cell back into the water due to osmosis.
Osmosis is always where water molecules flow from a region of higher water potential to lower, through a semi permeable membrane (Whcih is the red blood cell membrane in this case.)
Since water flowed out of the cell, the cell lose water and shrinks.
Hypotonic solution is where the solution that has a higher water potential than the cell cytoplasm.
So when the red blood cell is put in that solution, the water will flow from the solution into the cell this time, by osmosis.
The red blood cell will then gain so much water that the cell membrane cannot hold all and therefore burst.
The only correct answer in this case is B - a stroke.
None of the other answers could be counted as correct here.
While A - a heart attack is conceptualy similar, when we're talking about a heart attack, we're talking about not enough oxygen that gets delivered to the heart - because something is blocking it.
C - hypertension on the other hand means someone has a higher blood pressure than is usual for a regular human being, which puts more strain on his cardiovascualr system.
and D - atherosclerosis doesn't come even close to be correct :)