It would be cheaper in 2013 because 1$ is worth more rupees. Another reason might be because the tablet is an old product and is worth less.
In the United States of America, Levittown is one of the seven large suburban housing developments created by the William Levitt and his company Levitt & Sons. Levittown was the first truly mass-produced suburb and is extensively regarded as the archetype for postwar suburbs in the country.
This type of construction caused an increase in residential construction and spending on consumer goods. An interstate highway system was created due to the use of automobiles. This made long-distance and commuting possible. Household technologies were not so liberating (war), no family help, women (PTA/child delinquency), no places to work and stay close to home, women were supposed to be wives and mothers, men went against conformity and were encouraged to take a more active role in their families
i think it would be seasons
Probably because that way they know what weather comes when!
C. Progress had finally been made in the balance between populations and representation.