The 10 culture areas discussed below are among the most commonly used—the Arctic, the Subarctic, the Northeast, the Southeast, the Plains, the Southwest, the Great Basin, California, the Northwest Coast, and the Plateau.
Answer:In organizational culture,means-ends orientation refers to the extent to which management concentrates its attention on outcomes rather than on methods, and processes used to achieve results.
I think is is b but I could be wrong.
Las figuras autoritarias viven con el temor constante de no obtener, tener, conservar o perder la autoridad. Su validez tiene que venir de afuera, requiriendo la cooperación, voluntaria o temerosa, de aquellos que están subordinados. Las figuras de autoridad, por otro lado, derivan su validez de elementos de sí mismos, su carácter, conocimiento, experiencia y habilidades, su elección de cómo, cuándo, dónde y en nombre de quién ejercer esa autoridad. Su validez debe provenir de ellos mismos para ser auténticamente procesables
a. people’s relationship to the means of production
As a Philosopher and Economist, Karl Marx propounded a lot of theories, especially in the areas of Capitalism and Communism. According to Karl Marx, Social Stratification is borne out of the ability of people in economic affairs and also the different relationships people have with regard to the factors of production. The difference according to him is based on certain factors like class, race, and gender.
Karl Marx identified two different groups as he said one involves those who possess the factors of production and those who give out themselves to those who own the factors of production. This is a typical example of the relationship that exists between employees and employers.