c. Glycolysis evolved in an oxygen-rich environment.
Glycolysis is the pathway that breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate. It is a common pathway that is performed by both aerobic and anaerobic organisms. In aerobic organisms, glycolysis is followed by Kreb's cycle and electron transport chain. In anaerobic organisms, alcohol or lactic acid fermentation regenerate the NAD+ which is required to sustain glycolysis.
Therefore, glycolysis is independent of oxygen availability and can be performed under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. This means that the pathway of glycolysis evolved under anaerobic conditions.
Also known as the uppermost layer of soil, that's for making soil more fertile due to its organic content.
Hip joint
Coxofemoral joint or hip joint. This joint joins the femoral head with the cotyloid cavity of the iliac or coxal bone. Together with the sacrum and the coccyx, both iliacs form a bony waist called the pelvis.
Joint capsule: It is a fibrous cuff that is inserted into the bone perimeter of the cotyloid cavity and the neck of the femur. The capsule is upholstered by a synovial.
Iliofemoral or Bertín: It is inserted in the anterior inferior iliac spine. It is directed downwards through two upper or iliopretrochanteric F.s: it is inserted in front of the facsimiles: F. lower trochanter major or iliopretrochanteric: it is inserted in front of the smaller trochanter.
Pubofemoral: It is inserted into iliopectine eminence, it ends in retrocantineal depression.
Ischio-femoral: It is located on the back of the joint. It originates in the subcotiloid canal and in the periarticular impeller. It ends on the inner side of the greater trochanter (in front of the digital pit).
- Round ligament
- Capsuar ligament.
Round ligament: Measures 3 cm long. It is intraarticular. It extends from the femoral head to the ischiopubial recess of the iliac. It has three fascicles Anterior ends at the anterior end of the recess. Medium ends in the transverse ligament of the Posterior acetabulum passes under the transverse ligament and joins the bone outside the notch.
The round ligament has an artery inside it that supplies the head of the femur. This artery is the branch of the obturator artery. The bottom of the acetabulum, head of the thorn femurllion of the ischium, iliac spine is removed.
The answer is other people assuming that you are in a gang