I believe the answer is Group entitativity
Group entitavity happen only if all members of that group had eliminated all of their individualistic purposes and live solely to serve the group's goal.
One example of a group entitativity would be the Japanese airforce soldiers during world war II, who were glad to conduct 'Kamikaze' (sacrificing their life by colliding their own planes to enemy's base)
Answer by Mimiwhatsup: B.They attacked Portuguese ships and trading posts.
Why: When Portugal built a global empire other countries attacked Portuguese ships and trading posts.
a. the process of adapting to multiple cultural influences simultaneously.
Transnationalism refers to the weakening of the territorial boundaries of the nation-states and the greater influence of multiple cultures. In the era of Globalisation where communication technologies and immigration of people have brought the whole together, people are more likely to influence by different cultures. Moreover, the migrants retain their culture they are more likely to be affected by the culture of the place.
Answer: Jaya Prithvi Bahadur Singh was a humanist who is extremely credited for spreading literacy in Nepal.
At the age of five, he showed interest in education when his education actually began. He rested from a respectable family that was able to finance his higher education. Nepal remembers him today as a great humanitarian; he financed the construction of hospitals and bridges. He did the much for the poor's literacy; he built a school attended by poor children. Singh is the person who wrote the first grammar of Nepal.