A PrintWriter reference variable named output that references a PrintWriter object is as follows:
//PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(outfile);
PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter("output.txt");
The statement that writes the string "Hello World" to the file output is as follows:
output.print("Hello World");
In order to do this the programmer needs to use the EventHandler class. This class allows the computer to listen for certain user actions such as pressing a button. Using this on a button would then allow the programmer to specify what they want to happen when the user clicks the button or performs a certain action. For example, in this scenario, the programmer would program an EventHandler so that when the button is clicked it saves the input to a variable and changes the input field to the next option.
We have that the .xlsm <em>Format </em>is used to save Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file
Generally file are saved in different formats for easy sorting and application on the operating system.
For instance if a music file is renamed and stored in a different format say .exe the audio file wont be recognised as an audio file and hence refuse to play.
- .exe for a windows appication
- ,mp3 for an audio file
- .xlsm here is used to save Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file
For more information on Excel visit
public static boolean isReverse(int [ ]a, int [ ]b ){
for (int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
if(!(a[i] == b[a.length-i-1]))
return false;
return true;
Using a for loop, we go through the elements of the first array. The if comapres and checks if any of the values are not the same as the appropriate value on the other array, if it is so, then it is not a reverse, and we return false. else we return true.