This is my story of freedom of speech:
One day I was was with my favorite teacher and I hear one of my friends talking about me with her friend. She said bad things about me. This is when I figured what freedom of speech was. She kept talking about me all week and then I finally came up to her and said "I heard you have been talking about me.". She played around and then finally admitted she did. I told her "I know you think I'm a bad person and freedom of speech is a thing but honestly your a bad friend and talking bad about someone is honestly tells me more about you.". "What about me?" then I said "That you a bad friend.". We never talked again. This is how I figured what figure of speech is.
They make food from sunlight, CO2 and H2O. This process known as photosynthesis
Quick is an adjective.
done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate: a quick response. that is over or completed within a short interval of time: a quick shower. moving, or able to move, with speed: a quick fox; a quick train.