El presidente y su gabinete de ministros representa en ala ejecutiva del poder publico. Esto significa que tienen a su cargo la administración del país y de los recursos del gobierno, a nivel nacional, y dependiendo del país, a nivel reginal o municipal, ya sea de forma directa o con transferencias.
El presidente y su gabinete también tiene a cargo el hacer válida la ley y su cumplimiento, y es por esto que bajo su poder también se encuentran las fuerzas armadas y la policía.
Answer: explore the basic elements of the conscious experience
Structuralism refers to the interpretation and the analysis of literature, language etc that focuses on different ideas or structural elements and explains their relationship with the whole structure.
According to structuralism, the goal of psychology is to explore the basic elements of the conscious experience.
b. individuals are best left to their own devices without the government guiding their actions.
Both the wealth of nations and the declaration of independence were written based on the concept of economic liberalism, which is an ideology based on the organization of the economy in individualistic lines, rejecting state interventionism, which means that as many economic decisions as possible are taken by companies and individuals and not by the state or by collective organizations. That is, through economic liberalism, both the wealth of nations and the declaration of independence share the view that it is best to leave individuals to their own devices without the government directing their actions.
To turn your head either to the left or to the right (depending on which way you are going to go) , to make sure you check your blind and there is car is coming and there is no car is coming.