Surface water <---> river
Ground water <------> well
Water vapour <------> atmosphere
Glacier <-------> ice
Dry mouth or a decrease in urine output possibly ?
It can be explained in that way or also called Predatory/prey relationships.
Parasitism is when one is benefited and the other harmed (ie leech and human)
Commensalism is when one is benefited and the other not affected (Tree frog and rainforest tree)
Mutualism is when both are benefited (Bee eats honey and Flower is pollinated).
GM foods should be labeled in food stores. If, for example, someone wanted to buy a GM Apple, which could be enriched in chemicals, that should be labeled different than a regular apple. What if someone was allergic to some of the modifications in that apple. If there was a label on that apple, that person would not get a allergic reaction. That is why GM products should be labeled.
H0P3 It H3LPS :)