They watched the spectacle of whites marching away to war and the attendant fear of wives and mothers, people whom the slaves, in many cases, knew intimately; and they saw the grief that exploded when those same soldiers came home mangled or were sent home dead.
The correct answer is A) Betty Friedan.
Betty Friedan wrote the book the <em>Feminine Mystique </em>. This book was published in 1963. Friedan's book inspired another wave of feminism based on the content of her book. Friedan described her experience as a housewife as somewhat unfulfilling. As a college educated individual, she questioned the societal norms of the time period. She felt that as an educated women she could achieve more than just being a person who took care of domestic chores.
<span>Although we see these values, we must also recognize the tremendous double standard between genders at play here. That Homer never reproaches Odysseus for his extracurricular romances but condemns the unfaithful women in the poem recalls Calypso’s angry statement about the double standard for immortals: male gods are allowed to take mortal lovers, while female goddesses are not. Likewise, men such as Odysseus have some freedom to "wander" sexually during their geographical wanderings -- so long as they are ultimately faithful to their home -- while Penelope and the other women in The Odyssey are chastised for their lack of chastity. Indeed, Odysseus does remain true to Penelope in his heart, and his desire to reunite with her drives his faithful journey. Fidelity is also central at the end of the poem, when Odysseus tests the loyalties of his servants and punishes those who have betrayed him.</span>