Electoral Votes
The person with the most electoral votes would become president, the 2nd most would be Vice President
Pericles described as not a copy of the laws of other states. Instead, "the administration of Athens favors the many instead of the few", hence the name democracy. The laws guarentee equal justice to all. The freedom that is enjoyed in the Athenian government is extended to be equally enjoyed in Athenian ordinary and everyday life. Athenians would not become angry at or express envy towards their neighbors for doing what they please or engage in offensive and/or agressive acts to express their jealousy, but instead all the ease and freedom Athenians are granted under their democracy does not make them act lawless as citizens. Basically, Pericles describes Athenians as happy with life in their city and with the political system of Athens.
water to drink and steel is metal is very hard to break than water
First Air-plane invented in 1903
Abraham Lincoln saw the Confederate States of America as illegitimate. He saw it as simply a part of the United States that had different views than the north.