Well the exact translation of Islam is submission. So the belief in the existence of the Islamic god Allah, as well as angels. Belief that the Quran is legitamite. Then there's other stuuf like the Gospel (showed to Jesus), the Torah (Moses), then finally Psalms (David). Bascially saying like submit yourself to Allah and what not.
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helping ithrer in thre fxv.
Abigail has "flown the overthrow", as it were. This uncovered her as lier and dishonors Paris. Thus, there is little regret in Paris' pleadings for a stay in the executions. Parris is likewise frightened on the grounds that hee found a blade in his front entryway, and is worried about the possibility that that if respectable nationals like John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse are hanged, the town will revolt. Paris even begins to lard like a child, not in view of all the affliction he has caused, but since Abigail stole his cash before she cleared out.
Where is the diagram?
if it is prokaryotic: no nucleus .looks like bacteria.
if its eukaryotic: has a nucleus. and a lot of organelles