option B
Rough endoplasmic reticulum → Golgi apparatus → plasma membrane
The pathway used to make and export proteins from the cell is rough endoplasmic reticulum which have ribosomes. After which it is transferred to golgi apparatus. The golgi apparatus process it and form vesicle. These vesicles are then transported to plasma membrane.
B.Evolution, natural selection
Charles Darwin is known as the "Father of Evolution" because he proposed the idea of evolution by way of natural selection.
Answer: Option B
The animals that live on the earth in many different regions because they are adapted to live in a particular habitat. The animals of the polar regions cannot adjust living the Sahara desert and the reptiles living in the desert cannot live in polar regions.
But many of the species are dependent on the seasonal change and they only emergence or produce during specific period of time.
But if due to global climatic change there will be no emergence of particular species and their species will be extinct over a period of time. So, the global temperature needs to be constant in order to support life of the species dependent on the seasonal temperature change.
Answer: d. alternation of multicellular generations
The gametophytic as well as the sporophytic generations are alternative in the life cycle of the multicellular plants. This can be seen among the land plants. This feature cannot be seen in the algal species as they are unicellular in nature. Thus cannot be seen in the relatives of charophyta algae.
Saturated Zone
Thats where soil and porous rocks are located.
Hope this helps