Water then moves from cell to cell through the root cortex by osmosisalong a concentration gradient; this means that each cell is hypertonic to the one before it. In the centre of the root the water enters the xylem vessels. Water may move by diffusionthrough the cell walls and intercellular spaces.
Answer the Air Pollution From a Power Plant photograph. Tell students that pollutants emitted into the atmosphere do not stay in the atmosphere or even directly above the polluting source forever. They move throughout the atmosphere and are moved and removed by natural processes.
1. Purines
2. States that DNA composition varies among species
3. Hydrogen Bond
4. Purines
<em>Answer to #2 is a little iffy </em>-- sorry
Pyrmidines have two rings
Purines have one ring
Complementary bases are connected by hydrogen bonds.
D. Spinal nerves have mixed motor and sensory function.
spinal's nerves are mixed nerves, which means that they carry sensory and motor information. They carry sensory information to the central nervous system to give a motor answer that will travel through the spinal nerves to specific muscles. The White matter, which is peripheral in the spinal cord, contains axons while the gray matter, which is central in the spinal cord, contains cell bodies.