Accuracy is being able to hit close to or right around the designated area, precision is being able to hit it dead on
It’s the third one bc it’s a declined inheritance
The correct order would be:
1. A tree absorbs the carbon from the atmosphere into its leaves for photosynthesis;
2. A caterpillar gets the carbon by eating the tree's leaves.
3. A bird gets the carbon by eating the caterpillar.
4. The bird flies into a building and dies instantly. It falls to the ground.
5. The bird decomposes and the carbon returns to the atmosphere.
The carbon cycle is very similar to the water cycle, though it has its own unique ways. Once the carbon is released into the atmosphere, it will either be absorbed by the vegetation, or go up into the higher parts of the atmosphere. If it is absorbed by the vegetation, the organisms that eat the vegetation will get it in them. When the predators eat those organism they get the carbon into their organisms. When the predators die, they start to decompose. When they decompose, the carbon is released from them and it returns to the atmosphere, and the whole process goes all over again.
All the above participate in the ammonia excretion
The amino groups present in the amino acids are required to form the urea. The ammonia disposal takes place un the liver by the urea formation and is excreted in the kidneys by urine. When free ammonia is produced in peripheral tissues, it is transported to the liver by glucose -alanine cycle, alanine in transported in the blood to the liver, where is converted into pyruvate.
Another pathway is by glutamine synthase/glutaminase system. The storage and transport of ammonia to the liver is glutamine from glutamate by glutamine synthetase: NH3 + glutamate → glutamine once in the liver glutamine is transformed into glutamate again by glutaminase enzyme: glutamine → NH3 + glutamate.
In the liver takes place the urea cycle, the amino acids transported into the liver can be converted to aspartate. This aspartate enters the urea cycle forming an intermediate of the cycle, and the final product is urea that is excreted by urine.