The gop increases more jobs are created
I am incredibly upset that my own family and friends were taken from me. I feel as though I have nothing left. I'd rather be with people I love and know, then be alive in this tribe withpeople whom I have never met. They look at me like they dont want me ti be here...
The resources that I used to trade with have been stripped from my very own hands. I have nothing, no name, no family-only this new meaningless life. They people here say that they are glad that I am here, but there face says it all. They glare at me and ignore me. Actions speak louder than words.
George Washington did not want to accept the presidency that the people wanted to give him for fear of becoming a tyrant himself, just like King George II of England, from whom they just declared themselves independent from. When he became president, he made an example by only taking 2 terms and then refusing to continue being president. It wasn't until much later that a law was introduced to prevent any single president from serving more than 2 terms.
NAZI party members were not imprisoned in concentration camps , as long as they didn't mess up :)
People with type O- blood are called universal donors because their donated red blood cells have no A, B or Rh antigens and can therefore be safely given to people of any blood group. ... Their plasma does not contain A or B antibodies and can be transfused safely to all blood types.