Alaska provides oil.
1/3rd of Alaska's jobs are related to oil or gas.
In 1976 Alaska reserved a portion of the revenue to provide a citizen's dividend to residents of Alaska, which continues today. In 2010, a family of 4 receives 22,000 USD from the state. Since 1959, Alaska has in total gained $157 billion (adjusted in today's dollar value).
In 1915 the British and French forces launched an ill-fated naval attack on Turkish forces in the Dardanelles in northwestern Turkey. The failure of the attack resulted in significant casualties and resources for the British and French.
a) The cities were unprepared for so many new inhabitants.
Once the “Final Solution” began and the Nazi death camps were in full operation, Jews and other targets of the Nazi regime could only leave the country with the help of forged passports or other documents. Within Germany itself, this was extremely difficult, and the possession of any such documents would result in summary execution.
The primary problem that socialist thinkers wanted to solve was the problem associated with capitalism--primarily that it seemed like wealth was being consolidated at the top of the income class, and that the workers were not able to advance economically in society.