What you need to do is make sure the denominators are the same so multiply 7/10 by 6. It should now be 42/60. Next multiply 3/6 by 10. It should now equal 30/60.
7/10 = 42/60.
3/6 = 30/60.
7/10 is greater.
I hope this was somewhat helpful :3
The dimensions are 70 yd and 120 yd
Hope this helps!
Let x = # of original members
Cost per person (originally) = 832/x
Cost per person after 6 more people = 832/(x+6)
Solve 832/x=832/(x+6) +6 (because the cost was reduced by 6
Solve for x.
x = 26 or -32 (but x is number of members, so it can't be negative)
# of original members is 26.
Original cost is 832/26 = $32 per person.
3.5 gallons of punch
Step-by-step explanation:
There are 4 quarts in 1 gallon.
Set up equation to convert 14 quarts to gallons: 14÷4 = 3.5.
Elijah made 3.5 gallons of punch.
When u want to find domain
that meant u want to find all the valuable of x possible
it will be possible if
3-x >=0
x = [-inf , 3[