Why? -- Proof, why and how does the alternative and complementary medicine work in terms of current understanding of medicine/anatomy/science
advantages to skepticism, reduction of people getting conned into paying into a false medical treatment
disadvantage to skepticism, the particular alternative treatment may actually work however the exact mechanism is not yet known and may be dismissed as psuedo-science
It was a little hard but i think the answer is ``Glands`` beacuse i read about Glands and it said that they are ,<span>chemical substances for use in the body or for discharge into the surroundings
Hope this helps <3 </span>
Some ways are medical documentation or medical records. The purpose of medical documentation is to complete and precise patient record documentation is to foster value and stability of care. It creates a means of communication between providers and between providers and members about health status, preventive health services, treatment, planning, and delivery of care.