Population growth is characterized with the descriptors J‐shaped curve, S‐shaped curve, and K. Determine if each of the followin
g statements describes a J‐shaped curve, a S‐shaped curve, or the term K. a. Population size that a particular environment can support indefinitely without long-term damage to the environment b. Carrying capacityc. Population whose size is approaching carrying capacity of environment d. Logistic growth
Example of j shaped curve is population that is doubling in size and exponential growth. in j shaped curve, population increases rapidly and exponentially and then stops suddenly to start decreasing when resources are limited
logistic growth and population whose size is approaching the carrying capacity of the environment are examples of S shaped curve. here population increases slowly and then rapidly before it becomes stable as approaching zero growth
Population size that a particular environment can support indefinitely without long-term damage to the environment and carrying capacity
is indicated by K . Here population is maximum and has reached saturation and will no longer increase