Because of the government's one-child per family policy.
The fact that dating sites are likely more efficient than meeting in person and would be the first step of knowing people.
It was organized in the mid 1960s.
The United Nations was established on October 24th, 1945. The main objectives for the UN are to maintain peace and security all over the world, developing relations among countries, respecting equal rights and self-determination of peoples. Aims to solve international problems with cooperation by promoting human rights.
The answer is Primary (care service).
Primary care is the supplying of a first-line health service. Includes: diagnosis of a health condition, treatment and long-term care for chronic conditions (diabetes, hypertension, etc).
The service provided by Dr. Jones, who is most likely a primary care physician, includes both diagnosis (upper respiratory tract infection) and treatment (the antibiotic prescription and the 10-to-14-day follow-up).