A) When the sides of the joint are close together, the particles have more kinetic energy than they do when sides are farther apart.
Most materials are subjected to thermal enlargement: a trend to extend when ignited, and to decrease when frozen. For this reason, bridges are constructed with metal extension joints, so that they can extend and shrink without creating flaws in the overall composition of the bridge. Other devices and compositions likewise have built-in safeguards against the dangers of thermal expansion.
Regional strategy
Most organizations and industries use the regional strategy. This implies that most organization do not just operate in a single global market, but operate in regional blocks. This means that while they operate using some multi-local strategies, they also have elements of global and multinational strategies. While they operate in regions, they have one general standard or policies, but may differ in some aspect of business due to the peculiarities of the market.
I want to say government or farming. Farming because it started a sort of trade and barter system, but government because it created regulations for a village lifestyle? I think it depends on what time period you're studying.
The Marshall Plan was a post WWII bailout program initiated by the USA, aimed to economically revive nations and to reduce communist influence within the countries it supported. The USSR refused to be included for differing political views and opted to create a similar program of their own to aid in post war economic recovery. The USSR before it collapsed, included the countries who are not aided today.